What makes a story a good story
The power of a story is unprecedented.
But not every story is equally powerful and equally catchy.
How did that happen?
What makes a story a really good story?
Can anyone tell a good story?
Answer: YES!
The Storytelling training is given in small groups (6 – 8 people), so you have plenty of opportunity to practice. Because no matter how well I explain the theory around Storytelling, you only really learn by making flying hours.
You work with your own equipment during the training. This does not have to be a fully developed story. Better not! But make sure you have a topic that you want to tell about and that you already know a little bit about what you want to tell.
The training can be extended with one half-day, in which we pay attention to the performance. Do you also want to learn the presentation techniques to tell your story well? Please indicate this when registering.
The “Storytelling, tell a good story” training takes one day. If you also want to be coached on your presentation techniques, the training takes 3 half-days.
Costs depend on whether you are self-employed or whether your training is paid for by your employer. I think it is important that my training courses are accessible and affordable for everyone.
Send me an email. When I have enough registrations, I will set a date for everyone to join.
If you want to follow the training in-company with your own group, please also contact me. Then we immediately plan a date that suits you.