Felix Mittermeier pixabay 3441687_640

Sense (of) Your Inner Storm

  When you say: “It is storming inside me.” You have…
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How to Connect to your Inner Wisdom?

We all have a lot of inner wisdom we most of the time ignore…
Enrique Meseguer pixabay-4341459_1280

Crossing the Threshold

And meet your inner guardian archetype December is a month in…
Threshold, drempel, magicalLeonhard Niederwimmer via Pixabay

Treasures on the thresholds of life….

Insights you can get while standing on the thresholds of your…
family family dinner family storiesArie LAH de Muij

Be aware of your Family Stories!!

Be aware of your Family Stories!! How stories do their jobs…
Sofia BulgariaFrederique te Dorsthorst - de Muij

An European Story

How Bulgaria gave me a great gift Last Sunday I returned home…
Schaduwkant archetypenFrederique te Dorsthorst - de Muij

Let your Shadow Side Work For you

How to use your less useful qualities positively. To be quite…
inner archetypal mulitnationalFrederique te Dorsthorst - de Muij

Doing business in Disruptive times

How archetypes (can) support you in your entrepreneurship A…